
Old Skinners'

The Old Skinners'​ Society (OSS) was founded in 1890 to enable Old Boys and Masters to keep in touch with their former school friends and colleagues, raise funds for the School and keep up to date with current activities.

The OSS supports these aims in the following ways:

The Leopard Magazine and OS Newsletter

In addition to sending members the annual Leopard Magazine, the OSS produces a quarterly newsletter providing updates on current activities at the School, the exploits of Old Skinners', OS event reports and obituaries.

The Skinners’ Hall Dinner

Every 2-3 years the OSS organises a black-tie dinner at Skinners’ Hall, providing an opportunity for 170 Old Boys and Masters to enjoy the privilege of dining in one of the most historic 17th Century guild halls in London. See the OS events page for information on the next planned Skinners’ Hall Dinner.

Year Group Anniversary Celebrations

Recognising the desire of Old Skinners' to celebrate year group anniversaries the School has agreed to make the Old School Hall available for evening drinks receptions, with the OSS providing a contribution to the first round of drinks. If you’re interested in organising one of these get-togethers, please contact the School Reception.

OSS Sporting Events

The OSS organises a variety of opportunities for Old Skinners’ teams to compete against current members of the School across a range of sports. See the OS events page for information on the next planned OSS sporting activities.

LinkedIn and Facebook Pages

The OSS administers the Skinners’ School LinkedIn page, which provides a valuable way for Old Skinners' to find and contact old school friends and reach out to Old Skinners' working in industries or specific companies where people may be interested in exploring job opportunities. We also administer the Old Skinners’ Facebook page which features a regular stream of posts relating to the School.

Skinners’ Connect

This is a new venture providing opportunities for Old Skinners' to pass on their knowledge within their field of occupation to current students through talks, workshops and podcasts. Recent examples include the music masterclasses provided by the violinist and festival director Andrew Bernardi and talk by the President of the Astronomical Society, Professor Mike Lockwood. If you are interested in finding out how you could support this program please email:

Supporting the School

In addition to supporting the above activities the OSS regularly contributes funds for purchases that would otherwise fall outside the School budget, such as work to improve the acoustics in the Old School Hall, new sports’ trophies or the publication of the ‘The Lost Boys of Skinners’ School’ profiling the Old Skinners' who lost their lives during the 1st and 2nd World Wars.

If you would like to join the Old Skinners’ Society, there are two membership levels:

Full Membership: £50 per annum

This is for those who wish to support the full range of activities offered by the Society (listed above). It provides first access to the Skinners’ Hall Dinner invitation list as well as a 20% discount on the ticket price.

Membership: £20 per annum

This is the fee for the first 3 years of membership, after which it will remain your choice whether to make a greater contribution to the OSS through Full Membership.


Please complete this form

For all membership enquiries, please contact Larry Hardcastle

For enquiries relating to the archive please contact


Members of The Society receive regular updates via newsletter throughout the year. In order to reduce our carbon footprint and our postage costs these will be sent electronically where possible.

Members who do not have access to e-mail will continue to receive hard copies sent to their home address.

Old Skinners' Newsletter

OSS Newsletter - September 2024

OSS Newsletter - May 2024

OSS Newsletter - October 2023