
Extreme Weather Procedure

Procedures in the event of extreme weather

In all cases of extreme weather, the school will, if at all possible, remain open.

  • In the event of, for example, significant overnight snow, we will place information on the website home page announcement by 7.00am. We will also communicate with parents via Kent School Closures (
  • If in doubt, your first port of call should be the website, rather than telephoning the school.
  • If the school is closed: we will run live lessons on Microsoft Teams, or we will set work via Teams.
  • Though the school is highly likely to remain open in the event of snow, we do understand that for some the journey to school could be difficult and hazardous, and we appreciate parents’ judgements in such circumstances. However please do contact the school if your son is going to be absent, by emailing the Attendance Officer:  Direct Dial to the Attendance Officer - 01892 578114
  • If the weather deteriorates (eg heavy snow) during the school day, our aim will be to complete the school day. Again, in such circumstances check the website. The school will decide whether pupils should go home: please do not rely on a phone call or text from your son!
  • Accessing work: for pupils unable to get to school, we will leave work assignments on Teams.